
An Irish Perspective: 5 minutes with Dubliner Colm Hand


Since joining Anthony Travel in June, Dublin-native Colm Hand has proven to be a valuable logistical and cultural component on the Croke Park Classic event team. Colm recently took a break from the event’s fulfillment process to share his unique Irish perspective on the upcoming Croke Park Classic.

Q: What has it been like to work on the Croke Park Classic with Anthony Travel?
It is an exciting project to be a part of as it really helps to broaden your experience of events. The event provides great variety.

My personal tasks have included fulfillment, the staff manual, cross checking logistics and handling issues that arise on a daily basis. I enjoy the change in tasks each day.

Q: Aside from living in Ireland, what experience do you bring to the Croke Park Classic event team?
I worked with Abbey Tours for the Emerald Isle Classic in 2012, which has definitely proven beneficial in assisting the Croke Park Classic team. During my time at Abbey I became familiar with the hotels they use, hotel types in Ireland, excursions, logistics around a large international event and I even learned a little bit about American Football.

One of the biggest differences between the two experiences is the focus. Anthony Travel is focused on the guest, while Abbey Tours sees Anthony Travel as the customer and is focused more on the supply of services such as the transportation, tours and hotels.

Q: How has your connection to Ireland helped with the Croke Park Classic?
I don’t think a day has gone by without being asked a question about Ireland. Questions range from how far is it from Dublin to Kerry, to staff asking where is a good place to get a Guinness during their down time.

Information on hotels, different areas and transport are all things I am knowledgeable on both from my time growing up in Ireland and my work with Abbey Tours. There is such a contrast in the cultures I feel I can easily identify areas where more information or advice may be needed for guests.

Q: What is the overall sentiment of Dubliners toward the game?
Over the past few years, American football has become more popular amongst Dubliners. I feel that this is due to a number of factors including the successful Emerald Isle Classic in 2012 and also the NFL games, which are becoming more frequent in London.

A number of my friends at home are going to attend the tailgate and game in Croke Park on August 30. Local pubs have already started to advertise their plans for the game, as the atmosphere appears to be building back home.

Q: What has been the most rewarding part of the process?
Being able to see emails or receive calls and sense the excitement of the guests makes you appreciate the work that you put in. I hope that guests will return from traveling with nice messages about not only their experience with Anthony Travel but also of Ireland as a country.

Given the work that has gone into Croke Park Classic, one Irish proverb comes to mind: ‘If you do not sow in the spring, you will not reap in the autumn.’

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